Our products


Aro-s is an industrial autonomous robot for indoor logistics for places such as warehouses, distribution centers, hospitals, airports, shopping malls, supermarkets etc. The robot is out-of-box solution and even a lay-person.

aro autonomous mobile robot artificial intelligence AMR logistics warehouse industrial intralogistics


Aro-shelf is a type of payload, developed specifically for our aro robots. Currently, it fits well with aro-s robots. Basically, it is a base for a complete shelf which can be customized on the base. It can fit well with standard 36″ x 24″ industrial shelves.

This base enables our clients to move large assortments across a facility using our autonomous robots and without any human supervision. The independent casters of the the shelving bases enable our clients to consider payloads according to the limits of the top shelving units. Therefore, to some degree it is independent of the robot, driving the shelving base.


Aro-manipulator contains a robotic arm and a power pack. The manipulator module can be used to automate tasks such as 3D scanning, spraying chemicals, power coating etc.

This module has its power separate than the main platform therefore there is plenty of power available for the robot to continuously work for multiple hours. The arm further contains various attachments such as a gripper to lift boxes, thermal cameras, 3D scanners, etc

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Aro Robotic Systems Inc.

9413, 47 St NW

Edmonton AB Canada T6B2R7

Email: info@arosystems.ai

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